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02 March 2008

Nothing Fancy Today

Hello! Well I had a really fun day despite just wanting to take a nap! Feeding the High School Basketball team was a lot of fun! They were so sweet! My parent's had gotten a couple of ice cream cakes, from Dairy Queen of course, and some of the kids had never had one! It blew my mind. Anyway.. D ate dinner there. He had Tasty burgers and mini corn dogs and who knows what else. I have to say, I nabbed a couple of mini corn dogs for myself... and I also had two Thin Mint Cookies today!Oh well. D LOVES Thin Mints, so I bought him some yesterday while shopping. After cleaning up at the school, me and D went to the store. On the way there I ate a Luna Chocolate Peppermint Stick. SO good. Tonight I bought 3 other flavors and a new protein drink. Let's see... we washed my car on the way home-- this is like 7:45--- and I am sooo very hungry. It's times like these that make me just want to go "grab" something out, you know? However, we came home and I had a pita stuffed with my deli chicken, spinach and a drizzle of Ken's. I also cut up a carrot and had a sweet gala. I am ALWAYS glad I didn't grab some crap to eat because what I fix, even if it's a cold sammie, is way better than some greasy dive.

Tomorrow I begin my workouts again!!! Yay! I am really excited to be back on my schedule. I am one of those people where I can't just start working out if I skipped Monday.. It blows my mind, really. Mental- I know. I just feel off balance, you know? Oh!!!!!! I have a NEW WATCH to use tomorrow as well!!! I have been wanting a Polar Fitness watch ever since I've been working out.. well the darn thing is $100.00!! D refused to buy it for me because he thought it was stupid. However, after seeing me ask every member of my family if they wanted to buy it, while I was batting my eyes so hard they almost fell off---he decided that he'd get me one. He surprised me with it earlier this week. SO sweet! I love that boy. I'll let you know how I like it!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Awwww... what a sweet guy!! Enjoy your polar! I love mine!!!!