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Vitamin B6

19 March 2008


I have no real title...and I never really do.
Okay hello! Once again this has to be quick, quick, quick! We're off to D's house (about an hour away) to visit his family for Easter.
Breakfast: Strawberry Chocolate oaties. Yum, Yum, Yum! That's all their is to say about that! D mixed the berries in this morning and I liked it much better.

Lunch: Again-- more of the same! I didn't have a cheese stick today because I think we're out of them. I also thought I bought baby spinach but I bought regular spinach! They are GIANT leaves! I almost took a picture of one. Maybe I will tomorrow. I had my NODF Bread with Oscar Mayer Deli Chicken and giant spinach, broccoli and.... Wooo! Another new treat!! Last night I made Sugar Free Pistachio Pudding with skim milk.... YUM! I looove pistachio pudding. I guess my lunch was a little different today! :o)

Here's my water.. that went missing today from a sneaky student. Of course she gave it back. She likes to play tricks on me... well on my water bottle I guess.. She takes it once a week I think.

Snack: 15 almonds-- that I NEED to stop eating because they hurt my jaw, but I am stubborn. I also like a dummy tried one more luna bar. blah. I only ate half of it. I seriously thought Chocolate Cookies-n-Cream would be good. That's a negative! When I got home I had a scoop of peanut butter. I am still hungry I think-- I might have another snack before we leave.

I'll see ya for dinner later on tonight

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